Luftvis Academy

Schlieren Visualization | Jet | Transitional Jet from Syringe →
The transitional jet from a syringe is visualized by Luftvis Schlieren System. It is interesting to find that the jet from the needle has a transitional feature. At the beginning,...

Schlieren Visualization | Using CO2 as Flame Distinguisher →
A jar of CO2 is used as the flame distinguisher. As the density of CO2 is heavier than air, the CO2 will fall off the jar as if water is...

Schlieren Visualization | Combustion | Ignition and Flame Growth of a Flame Torch →
The kitchen flame torch is studied. The visualization about the flow field is separated into two parts: Part 1 is the visualization of the cold fuel (butane) jet before the ignition; Part...

Schlieren Visualization | Turbulence | Transitional Wake of a Falling Ball into Water →
The transitional wake behind a falling steel ball is visualise. We can clearly observe the development of smooth ring-like vortex immediately behind the ball. The vortex gradually is subject to...